How to make money online using Fiverr is a website where small services are sold and purchased. A seller can offer a service by saying, “I will create a logo for $5”, “I will design your resume for $5”, etc. These small services sold on Fiverr are called ‘gigs’. There are a wide variety of services you can buy or offer. You can even offer toread palms or predict the future!
How to earn money on Fiverr
To make money on fiverr, you need to signup and start selling your service by creating a new gig.
STEP 1: Identify your skills
Browse through the categories and take a look at the gigs posted by others to understand which gigs are in demand. Think of a service that has either a) never been done yet or b) you’re confident that you can do it better/quicker than the competition. This will help you figure out what services you can offer on fiverr.
STEP 2: Be Unique
Make your gigs stand apart from the rest. Create an exciting title for your gig. Instead of offering “Logo design services for $5”, consider saying, “I will design a KILLER, creative logo with unlimited revisions for $5”
STEP 3: Make your gig attractive
If there are 50 people offering the same service, make yours the most attractive gig of them all! Take pride in how your gig is presented. Upload pictures/videos to clearly demonstrate your work so that buyers are clear on what to expect. Offer freebies if you can, to attract more customers.
STEP 4: Choose gigs you can deliver quickly
After the Fiverr commission of 20%, your net profit is roughly $4 per $5 gig. Calculate to see if the amount of work/time you’re putting in is profitable for you. Based on your skills and interests, choose to offer gigs you can deliver quickly.
STEP 5: Keep customers happy
Always deliver EARLY. If that’s not possible, then deliver gigs on time and keep your customers happy. Remember that Happy customers are repeat customers. They also leave positive feedback – which increases confidence of new, potential buyers and boosts your sales.
STEP 6: Communicate promptly
Stand apart from the crowd by responding immediately to queries about your gig. Excellent customer service and communication skills will set you apart as a professional and help you earn customers’ trust.
Once a gig is delivered, thank the client for choosing you and ask for feedback.
Respond to all feedback – be it positive or negative.
Once a gig is delivered, thank the client for choosing you and ask for feedback.
Respond to all feedback – be it positive or negative.
STEP 7: Level Up
If you get lots of positive feedback and complete at least 10 orders within a month, you get promoted to Level 1 on Fiverr. Leveling up gets you access to ‘Gig extras’ and ‘Gig Multiples’. Gig Extras are additional services that clients can add onto their initial purchase. Gig Multiples allows a client to purchase multiple orders of your gig at one go. These can increase your earnings by a great deal.
After a gig is completed, it takes 14 days for Fiverr to clear your revenue. This delay is to complete security clearances. You must wait until you have Fiverr revenue before adding your PayPal email to your Fiverr account. Until then, the option will not exist.
More Tips:
Take some time each day to promote your gig in thoughtful ways. Post meaningful comments on relevant blogs run by experts to engage them in a discussion. For example, if you offer design related services, comment/ask questions on a popular designer’s blog to have a conversation with the designer and to show the world how committed you are to your gigs.
Use social media platforms like facebook to advertise your gigs – request clients to follow your social media pages, run contests to engage them,etc.
Get creative and continuously focus on improving your client’s experience. If you do this, the money will follow.
Fiverr is a great place to make money online from home because it is a new platform and fewer Indian sellers are on it. Anyone, from anywhere is capable of making plenty of profit through Fiverr.
NEW OFFER: Get a free gig on fiverr by signing up through this link.
Do you have a Fiverr story to share? Did we miss any tip? Write back to us/ comment in the section below!
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