“ Knowledge is not power. Knowledge is only potential power. It only becomes power when it is applied or used. No new knowledge is useful to you until it has a positive effect in you. You don't need to know 1001 ways to make money online before you can make money online, you only need 1 or 2 ways and then focus your energy on it until you start seeing the results...I mean in cash!! ”

Thursday, 29 January 2015



Welcome you in the vast world of internet. Do you know that today internet is not only means to collect the information, but also used to earn money by doing some online part time or full time work on it. There are so many works on Internet to do but the important are get  paid to view Email Advertisement and online form filling work.

There are hundreds of Survey Companies (Market Research Companies) all over the world. Their main job is to conduct online survey on behalf of the Multinational Companies. These Survey companies are constantly looking for people like you to help them conduct the survey and collect information .Multinational Companies pay huge amount in terms of lakhs of Dollars to the survey companies to conduct survey about their products and services. These are companies like Coca Cola,Nike, Dell, Microsoft, and even McDonalds!

These companies provide you survey forms in which you have to fill your right choice. Each question of the survey has 4 to 5 choice answers among which you have to choose an answer according to your opinion. Please note: There is no question of being right and wrong because here you have to give information to the company about yourself, which might be positive or in negative, i.e. if you are asked which product of L.G. is being used in your house, your answer can be either in positive or in negative. Therefore according to the status of the survey form the company pays you Rs.12 to 50 for each form.

How much can I earn for each Survey form I fill or each ad I visit?
You can earn Rs.50 to Rs.200 ($1 to $5) for each survey form you fill and average $0.25 for browsing an ad companies have many Ad categories to Based on the category, the rate may increase. 

What is the Qualification to Do this Work?
No need Extra qualification. Just basic Internet Browsing knowledge is enough to do this job. 

How much Time I need to Work in the Internet ?
There is no hard and fast rules regarding the work. It depends on the number of hours you work. You can work at your convenient timings. But it is good at least you work 2-3 hour daily to earn a decent income.

Have we to fill the survey forms correctly? Whether any problem arises in payment if the forms are filled wrong?
The forms in which your survey is taken is to be filled according your own information. So there is no question of to be right or wrong.

Whether something is to be bought or sold in this work?
No, never you have nothing to buy or sell in this work.

Do I have to pay any amount or fees while joining survey companies?
No, You have not to pay any fees to these companies. Your registration is totally free in all these companies.

Is there is any time limit or target ?
There is no such target or time limit. You can do it your own time without having any target for this work.

Where we can do this work?
You can do this work at your home if you have your personal system and internet connection, or you can do it from any cyber cafe and also at your office.

When and what time we can do this work?
You can do this work in any time of day and night (part time, full time) or when ever your want. It is not necessary to do the work daily, if you want you can give the gap of some days during your work.

Is there limited time to start the work?
Yes advertiser companies need limited worker for this work. Further registration will be closed when the requirement is completed.

How would I get my payment from them & in what mode?
There are different types of payment systems in different companies. Some companies make their payment monthly, some after 15 days either by cheque or transfer the amount in your bank account, for which you have to provide your account detail to those company with IFSC CODE of your Bank Branch. Please note that some companies also have a minimum payout limit of 25$ or 50$. It means if you could not do much work for any reason in current month and your earning is below then specific amount , you will not be paid in this month and instead of it you will be paid in next month and this amount will be adjusted in next month earning.

For Free Training Please Visit Website CLICK HERE. Thank You!!!

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